We teamed up with Instagram to launch "Banter or Bullying? No Offense," a multi-purpose campaign designed to learn more about the nature of offense and raise awareness of personal boundaries through an influencer and expert-led creative campaign.
Initially, the Banter or Bullying? No Offense report examined the nature of offense and where young people draw the line in 2020. Then, guided by the findings of the report, we launched a joint creative campaign to raise awareness of bullying masquerading as banter and to encourage young people to identify and manage their own personal boundaries.
The creative strand of the campaign included contributions from content creator Chunkz, Cybersmile ambassadors Holly H and Chessie King, as well as our advisory panel member, doctor, and TV presenter, Dr. Radha Modgil.
In addition to the report and creative aspects of the campaign, we also created and launched a series of interactive educational modules titled 'Using Instagram's Safety Tools,' 'Getting the Most from Instagram' and 'Dealing with Bullying on Instagram,' all designed to help people get the most from Instagram and educate them on the best way to make use of the safety tools available to them.